Become Bragg Creek Wild

Join Bragg Creek Wild and become a wildlife hero today with our FREE membership. Help build a safe and sustainable environment for both wildlife and humans.

Reasons to become a member

1. Learn more about wildlife challenges and how to support them

2. Support conservation efforts

3. Meet like-minded individuals and build a sense of community

4. Access to resources like educational materials, training programs, and volunteer opportunities

Type of Membership

  • Individual


    Receive BCW Newsletter, news and updates

    ReceiveI free Nature Alberta e-magazines

    Invitations to community and learning events

    Meet like-minded individuals

    Voting privileges at the Annual General Meeting

    The knowledge that you are making a difference improving the lives of our wildlife

  • Family


    Receive BCW Newsletter, news and updates

    Receive free Nature Alberta e-magazines

    Invitations to community and learning evens

    Meet like-minded individuals

    Two family members with voting privileges at the Annual General Meeting

    The knowledge that you are making a difference improving the lives of our wildlife

Privacy Policy: Our membership information is confidential and will not be shared with third parties.

Bragg Creek Wild advocates for the protection of wildlife and habitat connectivity, promoting safe wildlife routes and raising awareness through public education to reduce human-wildlife conflicts.

We operate on a shoestring budget and every dollar counts. Please help us with basic operational costs such as website, software, printing and staging of educational events.

Please donate. E-transfer to

Every bit counts