Bringing data science to Bragg Creek Wild

We’ve all heard about data analytics. Bragg Creek Wild wondered about the application of this powerful tool to help us in our mission of improving human wildlife interactions. In 2021 a wildlife mapping project was initiated. The project, led by Dave Klepacki, was advertised on the Bragg Creek Wild website as well as through social media posts on Facebook and Instagram. The project was also mentioned in an article in the High Country News in August, 2021.

Local residents were asked to share wildlife sightings, and the data began to pour in, the community was engaged! As hoped, patterns began to emerge and residents started to recognize the animals who shared their neighbourhoods. With the addition of key details such as colour, size, and location, locals learned about deer herds and movement of bears in their neighbourhoods.

Bragg Creek Wild received a grant from Yukon to Yellowstone to support the project and as of February, 2022 about 126 sightings have been reported, (see infographic). The project was instrumental to the county erecting large signs alerting visitors and reminding locals that they are passing through wildlife corridors.

The purpose of the study is to collect raw data specifically regarding animals near the roads and to use these data to prepare maps showing species ranges, road crossing frequency as well as other information related to daily and seasonal movement. The original study’s data were collected by direct emails to Dave Klepacki and by monitoring Facebook posts on local group pages. As we move into the second year of the study, the Bragg Creek Wild team is making some changes. A Google form has been created and is available on Bragg Creek Wild’s website The form is easy to use and can be bookmarked on your phone for quick entries as you travel around the area. The form will enable the analysts to collect data consistently and completely. There are options to contribute the data anonymously and a number of options for more or less detail are also available. We think that local youth will find the form helpful and we welcome their contributions as well.

The raw data will then be used to create visual analytical tools such as heat maps showing ranges or frequency maps showing the number of road crossings. These analyses may be used as inputs to developing informative signage, targeted speed limit reductions and passing zones. Individual species data will not be released. This addresses a concern that by collecting these data, we are potentially leading more tourists to specific areas to harass or hunt animals.

We’re so grateful to everyone who has let us know about sightings up to now. Please keep them coming. If you want to report a sighting you can:

We are relying on the community’s support to make this project a success!

See the Bragg Creek Wild website and social media feeds for lots more pictures and information.